Serv-U der FTP Server für Jedermann  
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aktuelle Version
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Serv-U Version  
Diese Version wurde am July 21, 2009 veröffentlicht.
  • Updated Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Russian strings.
  • Added a new Password Limit to use either one-way (more secure, less functional) or two-way (less secure, more functional) password encryption when storing passwords to disk.
  • Corrected the FTP FEAT response to comply with RFC 2389 ( so that the listed features are always preceded by a single space, and never the response code. This deviation from the RFC was introduced in Serv-U 7.
  • Corrected a bug in FTP Voyager JV, introduced in version, where FTP Voyager JV was not saving the file list column order between sessions.
  • Corrected a bug where a Swedish string warning about the trial expiring could cause the Tray application to crash. Only Swedish installations were affected.
  • Corrected a Web Client problem with the Safari and Opera browsers, when downloading files with spaces in the file name, Safari and Opera would incorrectly use %20 for spaces as part of the file name instead of the actual file name.
  • Corrected a bug where it was impossible to change if passwords are encrypted on disk or not. Introduced in