Serv-U der FTP Server für Jedermann  
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aktuelle Version
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Serv-U Version  
Diese Version wurde am May 27, 2008 veröffentlicht.
  • Added the ability to go directly back to the home directory in the Basic Web Client.
  • Added the ability to shuffle playlists in the Basic Web Client (Internet Explorer only).
  • Added the ability to use the previous and next buttons, in the Basic Web Client, to skip audio files when using the playlist feature.
  • Corrected an Internet Explorer 6.0 problem after login, where the background of the Basic Web Client and FTP Voyager JV icons was not transparent.
  • Corrected a bug where archival of user and server settings when the disk drive is full, would cause configuration files to become lost.
  • Corrected a bug where Serv-U could crash (GPF) when attempting to add a user when the disk is full.
  • Corrected a bug when saving administrative changes to the archive file when the disk is full. Serv-U would update objects in memory even when it couldn't archive to the hard drive due to a full disk.
  • Corrected an SFTP problem where the response SSH_FX_FILE_IS_A_DIRECTORY was returned instead of SSH_FX_NO_SUCH_PATH when attempting to create a file whose parent directory doesn't exist.
  • Corrected the text of an SSH message regarding a file being a directory, the message returned said the directory was a file.
  • Corrected a Management Console bug introduced in version that prevented configuration of Global Groups.
  • Corrected a Management Console bug introduced in version where secure FTP connections labeled in the Activity Monitor used "%20" instead of a space.