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Serv-U Version 2.2 |
Diese Version wurde am February 22, 1997 veröffentlicht. |
Neuerungen |
- In case 'current' disk quota is set larger than 'maximum' uploads are no longer allowed.
- Changed the data connection message for uploads/downloads to be more UNIX compatible (some browsers use this to get the file size from).
- Serv-U now uses the native case for file/dir names, or optionally lower case.
- The ALLO (=allocate) command now handles 4Gb instead of 2Gb of free space.
- Added DLL interface for event notification and command hooks.
- In case no IP address can be found for the server it'll display "?????".
- Added support for IP names (with wildcards) in IP access rules.
- Added option to limit a user from logging in more than once from the same IP address.
- Changed IP access rule mechanism. It is now more flexible. Added .ini file conversion for new rule format.
- Added option to specify IP access rules for each user individually.
- Added tray icon support for Win95 and NT4.
- Changed code so 32-bit version can handle more IP homes (now it'll do around 1800 IP numbers, while the 16-bit version handles about 180 IP numbers).
- LIST now completely ignores any '-' type options. NLST only parses '-l' and converts that to a LIST command. This should make the latest CuteFTP work.
- Added support for running Serv-U as a system service in Win95.
Verbesserungen |
- The security manager no longer checks for the presense of the SERV-U.INI file which hopefully solves a very rare problem where the server cannot read the .ini file after several days (in NT3.51 SP5).
- Renaming directories works also now.
- Fixed bug which prevented multi-homed IP numbers from showing in case no users were defined.
- Fixed bug in reporting of no. of try-out days left for the 32-bit version.
- Fixed bug introduced in v2.1: Killed users that were put on the IP bounce list now work properly.
- Fixed bug introduced in v2.1: Putting the server in a directory path with spaces works now.
- Fixed bug in links introduced in v2.1 which caused crashes.