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Serv-U Version 2.0 |
Diese Version wurde am March 13, 1996 veröffentlicht. |
Neuerungen |
- This version will continue to work after March 15th (All previous versions stop at that date).
- Converted code to BC 4.52 and OWL 2.5.
- Now 16- and 32-bit versions.
- Added separate access right for 'list' access.
- Added a luxurious 'user info' box.
- Added IP Name logging.
- Added a 'enable account' checkbox to quickly enable/disable a user.
- Access rules can now be specific to a single directory, or inhereted by subdirs (the previous method).
- Changed the FTP 'HELP' command reply to be more UNIX compatible.
- Added a ton of new '%' directives for signon/signoff messages, directory change messages, and login messages.
- Changed icons.
- 'hidden' files are no longer indicated as such in dir listings (confused the Mac client 'Fetch').
- The permission server now uses UDP messages instead of TCP.
- Added support for user specific login messages.
- Changed font and size of signon/off message dialog box.
- Added support for 'links' (like UNIX).
- User is now booted off the server if the password is guessed wrong 3 times.
- Time a user was connected gets logged.
- Inserting new paths in the access rule list is now done at current position instead of to the end of the list.
- 'CWD ' (='cd') or 'CWD ~' will now put the user back in the home directory.
- 'NLST *' (='ls') or 'LIST *' (='dir') will now convert to '*.*', ie. will use UNIX style globbing.
- Now even softer on your socket stack...
- Made the 'undocumented features' part of the setup.
- Changed directory listing format to be more UNIX compatible.
- Cleaned up local heap management, so the logwindow might actually work better.
- Added transfer speed to file transfer log messages.
- Changed all dialogboxes to use MS or Win95 3D-controls. No more BWCC.DLL.
- Data connection now uses the RFC959 default local port, ie. local port 20 if the command connection uses 21. Should make some firewalls more happy.
- Added the FTP command SIZE. Should make Netscape happy (so it can tell filesize on transfer).
Verbesserungen |
- Fixed client message in case 'anonymous' is disabled.
- Fixed various dialogbox errors (text, formatting).
- Non-anonymous users can now also delete 'read only' files.
- Fixed logscreen: It will now do automatic horizontal scrolling when the cursor is moved.
- Fixed bug that caused filenames like '/c:' to be seen as relative.