Serv-U der FTP Server für Jedermann  
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Serv-U Version  
Diese Version wurde am July 12, 2011 veröffentlicht.
  • Added automatic group name sorting to the Windows Groups list.
  • Added a right-click context menu for Windows Groups in the Windows Groups tab for Domain Groups.
  • Enhanced IPv6 address validation by supporting leading zeros in IPv6 address segments. For example: fe80::ad63:d4df:b25b:5d56%11 is treated the validated the same as fe80:0000::ad63:d4df:b25b:5d56%11 and fe80:0::ad63:d4df:b25b:5d56%11
  • Upgraded development environment and Microsoft runtime libraries from Microsoft Developer Studio 2010 to Microsoft Developer Studio 2010 with Service Pack 1.
  • Improved the image preview slide show in the Web Client to update the speed immediately upon moving the slider.
  • Corrected a race bug where SSH2 key renegotiation was not working correctly on a local connection when downloading files larger than 1GB using PuTTY based SFTP clients. Special thanks to Simon Tatham (PuTTY author) for his insight into the problem.
  • Corrected an SSH2 private key bug where clearing the key path would prevent Serv-U from being able to make SSH2 connections. Serv-U, instead, should attempt to use the default SSL key. This bug affected SSH2 only, SSL connections correctly handled this condition.
  • Corrected a potential problem when inflating (uncompressing) compressed data packets where any remainder data after decompression could be lost.
  • Corrected a bug where disabling the Nagle algorithm would not work, and instead put the socket into a debug state.
  • Corrected a path length bug where Serv-U would not list files that contained 1 or 2 characters more than the maximum allowed path name in Windows.
  • Corrected a path length bug where Serv-U would not accept path names that were 1 character less than the maximum allowed path name in Windows.
  • Corrected a problem where end-users could change from HTTPS to HTTP by changing the browser's address bar even while requiring a secure connection for a user, group, domain, or server.
  • Corrected the shadowing on the Tray "Stop Serv-U" menu icon.
  • Corrected a bug where Domain Administrators could not save the settings on the domain settings page.
  • Corrected a bug in the Management Console and Web Client where hovering over the directory path crumb bar would push any following objects down 1 pixel.
  • Corrected a bug in the Management Console where leading and trailing spaces were not trimmed correctly when adding or editing a domain name.
  • Corrected a bug in the Management Console where the indent formatting was being removed for large lists of Windows Groups.
  • Corrected a Management Console bug where Windows Groups "children" would not appear correctly when inserted out-of-order. This was a visual bug and did not affect Windows Group functionality.
  • Corrected a Management Console bug where it was possible to select a node in the tree without firing the event to change to the selected tab in the page.
  • Corrected a Management Console bug where clicking on a tree node did not select the correct tab associated with the tree selection.
  • Corrected a Management Console bug where cookies were not being saved correctly when connecting to Serv-U using an IP address and a Safari browser.
  • Corrected a Management Console bug where System Administrator limits were visible to Domain Administrators.
  • Corrected a Management Console bug where creating a directory in browse dialogs would cause a JavaScript error.
  • Corrected a Management Console bug where the "Edition Information" group box would cut off information at the bottom for certain languages when the license was an expired trial.
  • Corrected a bug in the Management Console where it was possible that advanced user and server limits would not display properly when selected.
  • Corrected a bug in the Management Console where an XML request for retrieving total users and users available was being requested for unlimited user licenses. This operation could possibly lock up a server that has a large amount of user accounts.
  • Corrected a bug in the Management Console and Web Client where crumb bar menus would create multiple DOM elements with the same ID.
  • Corrected a bug in the Web Client where it was possible to upload to the wrong directory if FTP Voyager JV was active and uploading to a different directory.
  • Corrected a bug in the Web Client where the session timeout alert dialog was being hidden behind the Web Client Media Player whenever a session timeout occurred.
  • Corrected a bug in the Web Client where it was possible for the file drag icon to not hide on mouse up events.
  • Corrected a bug in the FTP Voyager JV launch page where hovering over buttons would cause the background to overflow outside the page container.
  • Corrected a bug in FTP Voyager JV where the type-ahead feature would fail to continue after '.' characters.
  • Corrected a bug in FTP Voyager JV where the transfer "Status" and "Overall" fields were incorrect if the entire transfer consisted of empty (0 byte) files.
  • Corrected a bug in FTP Voyager JV where a rename of a local "exe", "lnk", or "ico" file would fail to refresh the file icon in the listing.
  • Corrected a bug in FTP Voyager JV where a tree node, when collapsed by clicking on the '-' sign, would expand itself once the listing had been received.