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Serv-U Version |
Diese Version wurde am May 26, 2010 veröffentlicht. |
Neuerungen |
- Updated French and German strings.
- Added User's Manual content explaining Serv-U Organizational Unit support, with screen shots.
- Added User's Manual content explaining Serv-U Event Filter support, with screen shots.
- Added Japanese release notes file, translating release notes for Serv-U and higher.
Verbesserungen |
- Corrected a bug where an administrative password recovery requiring a password change (due to one-way password encryption) was not resetting the date and time for the password change.
- Corrected a problem with Microsoft SQL Server where UNICODE strings were not being written correctly. This change is only for Microsoft SQL Server.
- Corrected an internal 64-bit bug where Microsoft changed header files for two ODBC functions to use SQLULEN (32-bit in Windows 32-bit, 64-bit in Windows 64-bit) instead of SQLUINTEGER (32-bit). This problem only affected Serv-U 64-bit installations.
- Corrected a bug where disabling a domain would show all users and groups in that domain as being disabled.
- Corrected an event bug where the "User Disabled" event wasn't being fired when an administrator disabled a user from the activity window.
- Corrected an event logging bug when using the tray application logging to the domain would not function.
- Corrected an upgrade bug, when upgrading from Serv-U 6.4 and lower, the upgrade utility did not correctly set whether or not a user account was disabled.
- Corrected an FTP Voyager JV Overwrite Dialog bug where the source file was not being properly displayed inside the dialog controls when a local file was dragged/dropped from a file browser into a remote pane.
- Corrected an upgrade bug from Serv-U <= 6.4 where group membership wasn't being imported under certain circumstances.
- Corrected a bug in the Management Console where the "Hide server information from SSH identity" checkbox was incorrectly functioning as a tri-state checkbox in the "Settings" tab in Server "Limits & Settings".
- Corrected a bug where certain email events were not being triggered when using the tray's Management Console.